Welcome to the 52nd Nats fairgrounds website. What we plan to have on here is a guide to the fairgrounds that the 52nd Van Nats will be held. We will have pictures of all of the main areas of the fairgrounds, including building rental details. We will also try to give you an idea here of what we will be using some of the buildings for and that will include music, games and entertainment. Check back regularly as this will be updated throughout the year until the start of the 52nd Van Nats!
Below is a map of the fairgrounds and on the right side of the map are links to pictures of each of the areas indicated on the map, along with info about each place. There are also pages below with groups of like areas and buildings.
You are free to setup camp anywhere in the fairground, not just the campgrounds. There are electrical drops all around the fairgrounds as well as some very nice shade areas if you can live without electricity.

Rental Buildings:
Indoor Camping Buildings:
Other Fairground Buildings:
The Lounge! - Party City!
The Midway - Vendor Area
The Lounge is party central! There will be a bunch of things planned for this space. The Lounge has a full width bar and many tables. We will have music and games here as well as other things!
Clink on the link above to get a feel for any of the 4 main camping areas. You are also free to camp any place in the fairgrounds if you want.
The midway is central to the fairgrounds and it will be the place to find all of the vendors, including food vendors. Ice is also located in the Grandstand, which is in the Midway.
There will be 2 large buildings that will be for rent to clubs, groups or organizations. Click this link to get an idea of what is inside each one as well as cost for the week to rent.